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Understanding Anticyclones and Heat Waves

 Understanding Anticyclones and Heat Waves



  1. Anticyclones and Local Weather: Anticyclones, characterized by sinking air and clockwise winds, play a crucial role in generating heat waves by creating high-pressure heat domes. These patterns can persist over the Indian Ocean and subcontinent, influencing weather conditions.
  2. Role of Anticyclones in Warming: Strong anticyclones during pre-monsoon seasons can lead to dry and hot weather across India, amplifying heat wave conditions. The strength of these anticyclones may be linked to global warming, impacting the intensity and duration of heat waves.

Impact of Global Warming on Heat Waves

  1. Global Warming Dynamics: Global warming contributes unique features locally, intensifying heat waves on top of seasonal temperatures. Understanding this interaction is critical for accurate predictions and early warnings.
  2. El Niño Influence: The interaction between El Niño and the Indian Easterly Jet (IEJ) during pre-monsoon periods can enhance anticyclone strength, resulting in longer and more intense heat waves. The warming of 2023, beyond El Niño effects, suggests complex interactions with global warming.

Early Warning Systems and Preparedness

  1. Three-Step Early Warning Approach: India's approach to early warnings involves a 'ready-set-go' system, integrating seasonal outlooks, sub-seasonal predictions (weeks 2-4), and short to medium-range forecasts (days 1-10) to prepare for and manage extreme events like heat waves.
  2. Improved Prediction Systems: Investments in the Sub seasonal-to-seasonal Predictions (S2S) project enhances the accuracy of heat wave predictions, which is vital for disaster preparedness during critical events such as general elections.

Challenges and Future Resilience

  1. Building Resilience: India's efforts include improving predictions at varying timescales, from days to decades, to enhance disaster preparedness and sustainable economic development.
  2. Coordination and Engagement: Effective coordination and engagement from national to local levels are crucial for sustained success in managing extreme weather events and building community resilience.

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