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Embracing Technology: Indian Armed Forces

The Indian Army's focus on absorbing disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence, autonomous weapon systems, robotics, space technology etc..

 Embracing Technology: Indian Armed Forces


(science and technology)

  1. Strategic Focus on Disruptive Technology (DT): The Indian Army's focus on absorbing disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence, autonomous weapon systems, robotics, space technology, and hypersonic weapons is crucial for maintaining an edge in modern warfare. Nations like the United States and China have made significant strides in this field, highlighting the importance of strategic competition in technological absorption.

Definition of Absorption in Military Context:

  • Absorption entails acquiring, adapting, and integrating new technologies into existing structures.
  • It emphasizes the need for complementing legacy systems rather than replacing them entirely, highlighting the importance of integration in technology adoption.

Complementing Legacy Systems:

  • Despite technological advancements, time-tested weapon platforms and tactics remain relevant.
  • Practical utilization of new technologies to complement existing systems is essential for effective integration into military operations.

Strategies Over Technology:

  • The efficacy of military strategies in employing technologies determines their impact on the battlefield.
  • Realized lethality in recent conflicts suggests that technological advancements alone do not dictate war outcomes, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and traditional methodologies.

Adapting to New Conditions:

  • Operational and tactical adaptations are crucial in leveraging technological advancements effectively.
  • Emphasizes the need for changes in military tactics to enhance survivability and combat effectiveness, highlighting the importance of operational agility.

Decentralized Implementation:

  • Technology absorption should be visible at unit levels, emphasizing the importance of decentralization in employing cutting-edge technologies. Highlights the need for organizational restructuring, human resource management, and cultivating specialists at all levels for effective technology integration.

Macro Level Considerations:

  • Technology absorption encompasses organizational restructuring, civil-military fusion, data integrity management, and procurement policies applicable to disruptive technologies.
  • Recognizes the importance of addressing macro-level aspects for sustained technology absorption and military modernization.

Moving Forward:

  • While the Indian military is progressing in the right direction, sustaining technology absorption requires a nuanced understanding of evolving requirements and lessons from recent conflicts.
  • Emphasizes the ongoing challenge of balancing technological advancements with operational effectiveness and strategic planning.
  • Emphasizes the ongoing challenge of balancing technological advancements with operational effectiveness and strategic planning.

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